We’re nearing that time of year again. The one where, after gorging ourselves on Christmas cakes and cookies, we look at ourselves in the mirror and say “New year, new me!” Of course, dropping those extra pounds are often easier said than done for most of us. Luckily, each year brings us new workout routines we can experiment with. Here are 5 recent fitness trends that will have you shelving your excuses, throwing on your track pants, and getting your sweat on!


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

 Like the name suggests, HIIT is a workout in which you do brief periods of high-intensity exercise that are designed to make you move until you drop. The routine starts with a short warm up, then a series of exercises that require you to move at 100% intensity, followed by a short rest before you start all over again. With routines that rarely last longer than 30 minutes, HIIT is a great answer to the common excuse “I just don’t have enough time.” This fitness trend is designed to push you to the max, and will get your blood pumping and heart racing in the time it takes you to grab lunch!


Functional Training

Do you find yourself winded while you’re running after your kids? Or does bringing in the groceries leave your arms sore for hours? Functional training is the exercise routine for you. This pragmatic fitness trend is perfect for people who are looking to make their daily tasks easier to complete. Functional workout routines focus on training groups of muscles to work together by simulating the day to day activities you do at home, work, or sports. Since these routines can easily be done at home, it’s a great solution for people who don’t like going to the gym. And the best part? The only things you need for an energizing workout is a suitable outfit and some determination!


Barre Exercises 

Aerobics, zumba, and pilates are yesterday’s news – barre exercises is the latest group workout in the fitness world. This form of resistance training improves your posture, muscle definition, and flexibility, while reducing fat and stress. Supplemented by a warm up of free weights, push-ups and planks, the routine uses a ballet barre and the resistance of your own body weight to strengthen your core. So if you’re the type to get your mojo from your social circle, grab a few friends, put on your comfiest yoga pants, and find the nearest barre studio!


Circuit Training

Circuit training is perfect for people looking for a workout experience that’s constantly changing. This exercise program consists of a ‘circuit’ or a set of prescribed exercises. When one circuit is complete you move to the next one, starting again from the first exercise.The short interval between exercises in a circuit make these high intensity aerobic routines great for strength building, cardiovascular training, and muscle development. And with the rapid change between exercises, you’re never doing the same activity for too long. Boredom has no place in this workout!


Binge Watch Exercise Games

Probably my favorite trend on this list, these games tailor an exercise routine to your favorite television show. Started as an attempt to combat a sedentary lifestyle, each workout prescribes a set of exercises to be done whenever a particular event occurs on a television show. For example, 5 pushups every time Chandler makes a sarcastic joke in an episode of Friends. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert gymmer, you can find the right routine for you with a simple google search. Sure, your friends might look at you a little strangely when you put on your gym clothes and sit in front of the TV, but honestly, how else are you going to get that six pack and still be caught up on all your favorite shows?


Whether you’re a regular gym-rat or taking your first steps in the fitness world, these trends will have you slipping on your gym shoes and keeping your resolutions in 2018.


We’re nearing that time of year again. The one where, after gorging ourselves on Christmas cakes and cookies, we look at ourselves in the mirror and say “New year, new me!” Of course,

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